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Skin Tight by Gary Henderson

An ordinary couple with an extraordinary love relive their darkest secrets, deepest passions and heart-breaking truths.  Throughout all the moments of doubt that life has thrown at them, as long as they can be together, they wouldn’t change a thing.  This is their final opportunity to say all the things they never had the chance to say before... 












Epsilon Productions' Skin Tight at the Park Theatre is a top-class production, with rich performances.  
Gary Henderson's inventive script is sometimes shocking, sometimes heartbreaking and sometimes very funny, but also emotionally gripping. Overall, this is a striking and superb production from Jemma Gross and Epsilon.  
 Angela Bull and John Schumacher give performances that are amazing. They are moving, funny, visceral and deeply engaged… This production is a theatrical gem. 

Directed by Jemma Gross

Designed by Jessamy Willson-Pepper Lighting Designed by Sherry Coenen Stage Manager Anna Robertson Composer Gareth Jones

Fight Director Dan Styles

Movement Director Clare McKenna Production Photographer Andy Colbourne Art Designer Al Stride Projection Designer Grant Kay

Associate Artists Holly Maples, William Hartley & Sarah Bradnum 

Angela Bull | Elizabeth

John Schumacher | Tom





Park Theatre, Inaugural Season  London July 2013
Stockfest – Edinburgh

September 2012
Ignite Festival

Exeter June 2012

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