Boobin While You Work #WorkingMum
This is something I actually wrote back in January 2017 for Stage Directors UK, and realised I never put it here! Also reading Tamara...

My Theatre Mates Nomination: Lucy Roslyn in The State VS John Hayes
Thank you to everyone who voted & supported Lucy Roslyn & Epsilon in the My Theatre Mates ‪#‎AlsoRecognised‬ ‪#‎BestSolo‬ Awards. Hugely...
He was in Italy, I was in London, for a New York Podcast Interview
A few months back I was interviewed by the lovely Francesco Campari for the Tres Artis podcast (for reasons only really known to...

Let's have a Pleasance Scratch!
Working with a new writer on a new adaptation or a new script is one of the joys of being a director. Brainstorming ideas, re-drafting...

Walk The Talk - An Acting Workshop for Theatre Directors & Teachers
WHEN Thursday, 14 January 2016 from 18:45 to 22:15 (GMT) WHERE Church on the Corner - 64 Barnsbury Road London, England GB BUY TICKETS:...

WhatsOffStage on Soho Radio
So here we go if you missed it, and if you so desire you can listen to me jabber to the lovely Nina Davis and the What's Offstage? team...

Chicken Shop wins 'London Fringe Production of the Year' Award
Epsilon's production of Chicken Shop, which ran at the Park Theatre (Park90) in September, has won West End Frame's London Fringe...
Chicken Shop Trailer!
#parktheatre #trailer #annajordan

Epsilon Summer Season -Chicken Shop opens to rave reviews!
My latest blog for Public reviews as part of a series following the Epsilon Summer Season at Park Theatre – this time on the challenges...